Happy Thanksgiving!!!
My family and I usually spend our thanksgiving in Alpharetta, GA with my beloved sister. This year we decided to stay home and spend it together but my husband got whisked to Honduras at the last minute by his spiritual father to attend a yearly program. This is going to be the first thanksgiving without him. I miss my Honduran family. Very beautiful people.
I honestly don’t feel like cooking today, though Jordan, my son is expecting a feast. Thank God a dear friend, my big brother has invited us to join his family in grubbing. It will be really nice to spend time with him and his family after so many years.
How do you like spending your thanksgiving? With just your family or with family and friends? Definitely family and friends, the more the merrier for me. I enjoy having people around.
Hinge Boots (The Outnet, Net-A-Porter, Nordstrom,)
Leather Belt (Trouva, John Lewis)
Yesss!! Absolutely love the way you combined these colors!!
Thanks Dana!
I want to the steal this look, from the hair to to the knee. Minus the boots.
I can see you have no relationship with high heels. You should try one.