It is such a beautiful day outside today. A bit cold but enough sunshine to keep me happy. Yayy! Maybe not my lips.

I am currently at the doctor’s office dealing with a major lipgloss issue. Apparently, I am allergic to my Chanel Controversy Rouge Allure Extrait de Gloss which happens to be my favorite. I have tiny bumps and dark spots on my lips and the edges are burrrrning. I had to do a 100 meters race out of my building to visit my doctor this afternoon. My appointment was initially scheduled for Friday but I will not wait another day so I can end up looking like Kunta Kinte’s divalicious sister. ?  Thank goodness, my situation is still manageable. Though my lips look like I have had a weed smoking extracurricular activities once in my life. “I swear, I have never smoked weed before.” LMBO!

I love this Banana Republic print dress. I wanted to buy it the first time I saw it but my daughter insisted I do so on another day. I am glad I listened. It was on sale for 50% off when I went back few days later. I bought the dress, wrapped it up and gifted it. Yep, to myself as a holiday gift. Lol! Let’s just say no one complained. The dress is well made and so girly.




Banana Republic Dress

Banana Republic Vest (old) // (Mango, Nordstrom, Asos,