Hottie and Lord Dress (old) (Similar: here, here & here)
Jacquemus Bracelet – On sale. Available in other colors (here & here)
Reebok Vintage Sneakers (here)

Welcome to a New and purpose-filled year. I hope you are as excited about starting 2020 as I am. Like I have always mentioned in my new year speeches, I am not one for making a new year resolution lists but I believe one should always embrace every new year with the mindset of making it a purposeful one. I am determined to put a little more effort into creating meaningful and interest-catching contents this year. Last year, there was a brief hiatus in my blogging. Too many things to do in so little time that time management eludes me. I became so overwhelmed that the blog ended up suffering for it. Although I had contents to share but I was so burned out to produce any thing. I am hoping that this year will be different as I have promised myself to always put my best foot forward to manage things properly in order for one aspect of my life to not suffer for the other. I really love blogging and have so much to share with you and I hope we will be able to reconnect. I plead that you stay on course with me.

“Friends or family”, they asked

“Friends are family”, I replied


I visited Dubai with the family in December for 10 days to celebrate a couple friend’s 40th birthday. It was such an exciting trip. Hanging out with friends that are more like family was the highlight of the trip. It feels good to be loved! I am thankful for my chosen family and plan on spending more time with them going to brunches and traveling more together. We have not decided as a family on where to travel to this year but Jamaica is looking more promising after all the mighty dollars we spent in Dubai.

January Objects of Desire

These are the beautiful items I am loving for this month and would need for the season. I am not a fan of faux leather but this Zara shorts paired with the gray Reiss sweater will work for winter. My old tall boots need a replacement. I have been shopping for a version that would fit my small calf and I think this Paige ones will meet my expectations based on the reviews. Fingers crossed. Not sure what my fascination is with the Burgundy. Next to black and navy, this is the color. I will be wearing a lot of burgundy this year and this Acler piece might finally find its way to my closet so stay tuned. As a coffee drinker, I cannot resist the urge to get this MoMA mug. A much needed item for my office when I finally get that coffee maker.

Love always,